Monday, April 30, 2007

A Flirty Bird?

It's 3:41 am as I type this post. For the fourth night in a row the silence of night has been SHATTERED by a bird that is apparently looking for a little action. Like clockwork at 2:00 am the singing begins. It's a cacophony of sound that can only be described as TOO LOUD. I did some online research and think I've narrowed the culprit down to a Northern Mockingbird. One website I found said that it is illegal to kill, harm, or harass the mockingbird. Hmmm does giving one a refreshing bath with a super soaker count as harassment? He looks thirsty. I'm just kidding.

This oh so flirty bird will apparently stop with the night time serenading once it finds a mate. Normally I couldn't care less about whether or not my avian neighbors are finding their soulmates, but I'm hoping and praying that this guy finds his soon.

Friday, April 27, 2007


That's what I said to Steve Wozniak when I met him last Monday.

I kid, I kid.

I actually said "It's so nice to meet you!"

Why would I be dining with the co-founder of Apple Computer? Well it happened like this. Each Monday night my boyfriend and I have dinner with a small group of friends. Most of them either worked in the past or currently work at Apple Computer. Each Monday we go to a different restaurant and meet for dinner. A purely social experience as we don't go to 5 star restaurants or anything fancy schmancy. So this week I suggested we go eat at a restaurant that a friend of mine had seen Woz dining at in the past.

As a lark my bf included Woz on the email invite list he sends out each Sunday. It simply states the name of the restaurant, the address, he usually includes a Jatbar review and the time. I thought NO WAY would Woz respond, let alone attend. Boy was I wrong.

First came his initial response email asking if he was invited and a comment that we had chosen his favorite restaurant! BF emailed back and explained that each week a bunch of Apple geeks get together for this dinner. He had heard there were Woz sitings at this particular restaurant and decided to invite him. He also mentioned they had met once, 7 years ago, in an elevator.

Next response from Woz said he hoped to see us there.

When we arrived at the restaurant that night guess what? He was there! He was great! A real prankster. He entertained us with all kinds of funny stories and even a bunch of magic "type" tricks! He also brought gifts! He gave each of us a gravity ring that magically appears to shrink and expand when you rotate it on your finger, and let me have a Russian Turtle trick he showed us. He also said to keep him on our dinner email list and he would come again when he could.

And Woz wasn't the only celebrity type in the crowd. To his right in the photo you will spot Elisa Camahort of fame... And more.

Also in the crowd, in the back row to heads to the left of Woz, was Keith Stattenfield. Keith hosts his own Public Access tv show on KMVT in Mountain View called Keith Explains. Which is basically Keith, sitting in a chair explaining stuff for 30 minutes once a month.

It was easily our most memorable Monday night dinner to date.

Photo credit: Loretta Beavers

If you enjoyed this post you'll probably like these too:
• My Best Sunday (Ever) with Magician David Blaine
• I Saw Woz's (Infamous) Sheets of Peforated $2 Bills
• Happy Birthday Woz
The Silicon Valley Fur Ball 2008

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Martini Madness @ Vessel SF

Another fabulous evening at one of Duncan Reyes' Martini Madness events. The precursor to this evening was less dramatic then the last Martini Madness I went to, where, in a manner of speaking, I had dinner with Nancy Pelosi. Tonight we stopped at In and Out Burger on our way up to the city. I had my standard Grilled Cheese Sandwich, which is a cheeseburger without the meat patty. For vegetarians, it's a great alternative to the standard beef burger. I love them!

Once in the city we headed from Union Square to Vessel. A quick walk and turn down a non-descript alley and we were there. The lounge is gorgeous! The bathrooms were strangely dark, and unisex *gasp* which I did not realize until I was touching up my lipstick and a guy came out of a stall. Hmmmm I've not been to a unisex bathroom before. Closest I've ever been was watching the one on tv back when Alli McBeal was on the air.

As I was getting cozy chatting away with some new people I'd just been introduced to, my friend, DJ Ron Grandia, kindly offered to get me something from the bar. I am not a consumer of alcohol, to which my past post about my still unopened bottle of ice wine is a testament, so I simply asked for some mineral water. Ron returned with what I thought was a bottle of hairspray. "What is that?" I asked. "Water" he said. "Are you cereal?" I asked. He was and handed me the bottle of VOSS. I found the photo at right. Can you blame me for thinking it was hairspray? The water was tasty and the company was very fun and fabulous. As always I give Martini Madness a big flirty girl wink!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Stale or Frozen? May the Best Peep Win!

So I'm one of those people who loves stale Peeps. Something about the chewier texture just makes them taste better. After last years Peep disappointment I wasn't planning on having any Peeps this year but my boyfriend surprised me with a big box of yellow Peep chickens. I began this years Peep experience by opening the package and letting my little chickens go stale for a week.

Late one night I was emailing with a friend who told me that Peeps are really good frozen. Frozen? Was she serious? I promptly got up and put the rest of my Peeps in the freezer. I have to say I felt a little guilty as I put my cheery little chicks into the cold dark freezer and shut the door.

The next day I took them out and found that marshmallows stay pliable even when frozen. And WOW they were great. So now I recommend Frozen Stale Peeps as the best way to consume these little marshmallowie delights!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Best Buddy

Those of you who have a pet that is one of your best friends will understand the title of this post. My dogs have always been my best pals. There for you with a quick lick and a smile to cheer you up, always ready to play, always wanting to be near you. Whenever they see you they light up and are so happy! I wish it was that easy to get people to be happy to see each other. My pups have stuck with me through the best and worst of times. This picture was taken last week in San Francisco by Wendy Maclaurin Richardson. Wendy is a wonderful photographer based in SF who was able to capture the essence of how happy I am when I'm with my dog. You can visit his WEBSITE to read all about his exciting new life since the day I adopted him from a Northern California kill shelter.

I almost never go to the beach. But for my dog there are some things I'll do just because I love him so much. This was his first trip to the beach and he had so much fun digging holes in the sand I have to take him back again. But next time with a video camera! You have to see the crazy way he was running around wanting to chase the waves and passing seagulls.

All images Copyright © 2007 Wendy Maclaurin Richardson

Monday, April 9, 2007

Bye Bye Old Blog

So tonight I worked on moving my old blog to my new blog. My old blog was a labor of love. I, being picky, wanted to make my blog from scratch using HTML and had to update my RSS feed manually each time I added a post. Then I had to move each post into the archive as well. To the viewer it was a nice looking blog but for me it was a lot of extra work. Plus I didn't have a comment option. So all in all I'm very happy to have moved my blog to Blogger and am looking forward to many more posts to come!

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Flirty Guide • Login

Well The Flirty Guide is coming along and big news.... We'll have a super cool forum for our users even before the site is officially launched! Of course it's fun and flirty! The forums are being tested as we speak and the finishing touches are in progress. I'll be updating the blog when they are launched! For now I just wanted to give you a sneak peek at the login button... So cute right? Not my idea so I can't take the credit. I was working on the buttons for the main menu and was "stumped" by what to use as our login icon. My bf suggested a "log." I tried it and liked it! WTG bf!