Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Martini Madness @ Fluid SF

So last night I went to a Martini Madness event up in San Francisco held at Fluid Ultra Lounge. I partook in "fluid," club soda with lime to be exact, thought the place was "ultra" cool with their multi color lit floor, and "lounged" about while revisiting friends and colleagues I hadn't seen in a while and making more new friends by the end of the evening.

The Martini Madness last night was special because it was, in part, to celebrate the birthday of host and reknowned Event Coordinator Duncan Reyes. I took a gift, carefully chosen and painstakingly gift wrapped in the flirtiest way I could come up with... Only to step on it by accident in the car and left a nice grey shoe print right across the message. Doh!

Oh well, the lighting was dim. Hopefully the Birthday Boy was so distracted by the great crowd and super cool ambiance of the lounge that he didn't notice the shoe scuff on the card. LOL.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Guess who is on the HGTV website!

In case you didn't know it, my dog is famous. First of all he has his own website. Second he was featured in Cesar Millan's online newsletter in February of this year. He's also been the recipient of some great prizes in costume contests and was even dog of the week on Dogster.com. CLICK HERE to view all of his accolades. Considering I found him unwanted at the dog pound 4 years ago, he's defied the odds and become a role model for all homeless dogs everywhere to never give up hope that someday, someone will take them home and love them for the rest of their lives.

Here he just wanted to share his latest big news with all of you:

OMD my mom is freaking out right now. She just found out that 2 of my costumes are on the Home and Garden Television website. She had submitted the pictures for some kind of pampered pooch tv show... I didn't make it onto the show but I did make it onto their website!

Halloween 2007 is just 2 months away! Mom's been racking her frazzled brain trying to think of what I'll be dressed up as this year. She has a couple of ideas... One is pretty fun and could rival my sushi costume for a good laugh.

In any case she wants to assure you, the viewer, that I actually enjoy wearing my costumes and am under no duress at all when she puts one on me and we go trick-or-treating or when I have to model for pictures. You see I love wearing my Halloween costumes because it means I'm going somewhere fun... So don't worry about me not liking dressing up. Mom says I couldn't be a better sport. She swears I have an extra bounce in my step when I walk out the front door all snazzed up in my snappy costumes!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Miss Potter

I just watched the movie Miss Potter and have to say I found it completely charming. The movie is based on the true life story of Beatrix Potter, a children's book author and illustrator in Victorian England, who brought to the world many of the most beloved children's stories ever written.

Her most famous story would have to be The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

The movie is poignant, sweet and utterly inspiring to anyone who has ever hoped to pursue a career doing something they love. And perhaps even more important... Living the life they know they were meant to live, even if it doesn't fit into the plans others have made for them.

Renée Zellweger plays the role of Beatrix Potter perfectly with just the right amount of strength and vulnerability. After watching the movie I have to say I think Beatrix was the epitome of a Flirty Girl. Unafraid to follow her own inner voice, and gracious the entire way as she traveled her own unique path.

The movie made me laugh and cry. Just like real life.