Friday, July 29, 2016

It's been awhile. . . Again

Hi! I hope you've been well and enjoying a good spring and summer.

I just realized the last post I wrote was March 3, 2016. Even as my posting here on the blog slowed, I was more regularly posting on Instagram and less so on the Tinygami Facebook page. Then everything just seemed to grind to a halt. A couple of reasons why:

1. I've been really busy
2. I'm still searching for my blogging mojo

The busy part will be explained in future blog posts. Possible titles are listed below:

  • The 6000 mile road trip (Alternatively: I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was in town)
  • My Happy Place
  • ArtPrize 2016
  • Another tiny trailer gathering
  • I am down in the dirt
  • Solving the mystery of the German Apple Pancake (Recipe)
  • My reading list
  • Things are complicated in my head
  • Why is Mother Nature testing me?

The mojo part is a bit trickier. Things still happen on a fairly constant basis that I want to write about, but for some reason, I don't. One of the most striking things about the current non-blogging-me and the old consistent-blogger-me is that when things happen I've noticed I no longer have the desire to grab my camera and take a picture.

Like the other day when an injured woodchuck was sitting in a bush whose branches seemed so fragile it was almost like it was levitating. In the old days a floating woodchuck defying gravity would have been a for sure kind of Kodak moment. This time the urge just wasn't there. Though in my defense I was honestly more concerned with figuring out how to help it than to blog about it. That might be a good thing. In the end (despite my best efforts and a small fear of rabies) I didn't do either, help or photograph it. It either ran or painfully drug itself away (when I wasn't looking) before I could trap it to take it to a wildlife rehabilitation center I found online :(

For now I thought I'd write a post just to get me back on track. Perhaps I'll work my way down the list. Or, if you have strong feelings and curiosity about one of the aforementioned post titles, leave me a comment and I'll try to bump that one to the top if it you aren't already the most curious about the 6000 mile road trip.

And because I know people enjoy pictures. . . Here is a giant snapping turtle I photographed last summer that lives across the road from me. It was probably close to 20" in length. Why it was up on the grate I have no idea. While not nearly as magical as the floating woodchuck it was something you don't see every day. So, I did snap this picture just before it slid off and swam away. Here you go: