Saturday, February 18, 2006

Three Cheers for Common Sense!

It seems to me that common sense is not as prevalent as it once was.

I guess the best way to know if you have common sense is if other people tell you that you do. I mean come on, how objective can we really be about ourselves? Isn't that like asking the people on if they're hot? Or asking an American Idol contestant just before their big audition if they can sing?

Yesterday a friend paid me a compliment telling me that, in her opinion, I did possess this quality... Sure it would be nice to make People Magazine's 50 most beautiful people list or win a Nobel Prize, but since neither of these two milestones are likely to occur in my near future, this was a great compliment and a very reassuring thing to hear.

Maybe I should call my Dad and thank him. As a kid he would always say to me "Common sense tells you..." and would proceed to explain the logical order I should do something in. So perhaps common sense is a learned behavior? Nurture not nature.

Back to my friend though... She shared with me an old saying her Dad used to say to her that made me LOL!

"You know what they say about common sense... It's not that common."

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