Thursday, March 20, 2008

DIY Flirty Projects

IMO (In my opinion) part of being flirty is all about being a "Can Do" kind of gal. Over the years I've learned how to do a lot of things. From designing my couture bridal accessories to changing a flat tire or patching a hole in a roof... Ummm after I drilled it open from the inside out, ooops! I own a power drill, climb ladders, and use my imagination to come up with fun new projects to work on.

I love beautiful things. I also love taking something old and giving it a new purpose in life. So I decided that I wanted to create an everyday DIY feature for those of you, who like me, like to create beautiful things yourself, even more then just buying them.

Some of the projects are from inexpensive new materials and can be finished in a single sitting with all of the instructions posted at once.

Others, like the chandelier, can be found at second hand, thrift, and antique shops are more expensive and can take days or weeks to complete. For larger more expensive projects I'll post one step each week so you can follow along as we go.

At first I was going to keep them in a separate section, but decided that putting them into the Flirty Ideas category would work best. As the site becomes more developed I'll also be adding more party ideas too!

I hope you enjoy them. If you try any of the DIY projects please send me a photo of your creation. I'll post it on site!

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