Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Dad

Here is a photo of my parent's front yard a few weeks ago after a snowstorm. And that's my dad, hard at work shoveling them out. Above is his path across his own front yard so they can get to the side yard and the garbage cans. To the left of the tree on the left side of the picture? The street is like 4 feet from there. You can't even see the street! CrAzY!

My dad loves to shovel the old fashioned way. So he clears the driveway and the area on the street in front of the house with the shovel, then sweeps it so it doesn't ice over.

When I was a kid I remember he would then go and do the driveways, front walks and and street in front of the houses for some of our neighbors too. Especially if they were elderly, single moms with kids or for other neighbors just for fun. He's a really nice and thoughtful guy. Random acts of kindness? Yeah, he was doing that way before the book came out and made it cool.

Believe me, if you live where it snows? You would want to live next door to my dad. Well unless you are a shovel-a-holic like he is. LOL My mom reports now he has a possee of neighborhood do-gooder guys who all help him make the rounds. One of our neighbors, who was a welder, even devised a tool that allows them to clear snow off of the roof tops, which they apparently now do for a lot of people on their block. Gotta love them for that. Why can't the rest of the world be like that? Gangs of nice guys, armed with snow shovels clearing walkways and rooftops of snow instead of the usual things gangs do? Collective energy directed toward the positive is such an amazing thing.


  1. love this story Stacie! I agree, there should be more positive energy in this world.. not people who look at you (while you're walking with your sister and her 11 year old, toothless dog) like you might mug them when you offer to help them with their heavy boxes.

  2. I've never seen that much snow in my life!

  3. It is a crazy amount of snow. It's so gorgeous to look at, and when I lived there, didn't even mind shoveling the stuff. But I'm so glad not to have to drive in it. That's the worst part of snow imo.

    And yeah Vicotria. Recently m hubby and I saw an elderly woman carrying two bags home from the market when we were out on a walk. I was tempted to offer to help her home with her packages but figured that she might think we were trying to rob her or something. So since she didn't appear to be struggling I said nothing because i didn't want to frighten her. I probably shouldn't have felt that way but I did. Next time we see her I may offer anyways. We aren't an intimidating looking couple so maybe it would be ok.
