Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I don't think it's a secret that I often work on holidays. I wouldn't say I'm a workaholic, I just have a lot to do. Everyday. So today being the 4th of July I had scheduled one meeting with a client in the late morning and planned to come home and work the rest of the day on my computer. But after my meeting I realized I wanted to do something to acknowledge the holiday. So I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff to make a special dinner. 

I'm not a big fan of fireworks but I was starting to think about the significance of the day, the historical perspective of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and all...

So imagine my surprise when I got home and walked up to the porch and saw this little 4th of July gift bucket on my mailbox. It was even filled with little red-white-and-blue candies. So cute! Our neighbors had left it as a surprise. We have very nice neighbors :o)

And today, like every day, I will say a prayer for our troops.

It was a nice reminder that today is a day of significance and one to be appreciated. This thoughtful gesture by our neighbors did make me slow down and take a breath and refocus on what today means.

Whether you are thinking about the history of the day or are simply enjoying being with your family and friends, I hope all of you are having a wonderful day doing whatever you are doing.

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