Monday, July 21, 2008

My Very First, Wedding Industry, Podcast Interview!

Wooo Hooo! As many of you are aware, I was invited to be a guest on Meet the Wedding Bloggers on The Wedding Planning Audiocast website.

ETA: You can listen to the podcast by CLICKING HERE

Host Ralph Mucci is a blast. So fun to talk to, very knowledgeable about the blogging industry as a whole and so very cool for giving wedding bloggers a place to chat about the what, how and why we do what we do.

Ralph gave me a shout out for designing their new show logo and asked some pretty funny questions. For instance he asked if I get weekly B12 shots from my doctor or drink Red Bull to work the hours I work. LOL 

He's gotten to know me well enough over the past few weeks to even tease me on air that I would probably have an idea for a new company by the time our 30 minute interview was over :D

You can listen to the podcast here on the Meet The Wedding Bloggers website or on iTunes!

I'd like to say a big thank you to Ralph and his crew for the opportunity to introduce The Flirty Guide blog to his listeners. I'd also like to thank all of you who drop by to visit and comment on the The Flirty Guide blog. You ALL inspire me to become a better writer and photographer. It's because of you that I keep creating new posts :D

And thanks again to Natalie of Allure West Studios for taking the photo of me that is now featured on the Meet the Wedding Bloggers website. I usually HATE having my picture taken (You can read about that here) but she did a terrific job and I felt totally comfortable during our shoot :D


  1. AWESOME!!! Great headshot! Can't wait to listen to your interview. That's so funny about Ralph teasing you that you'd come up with a new website before the show was over... I'm sure he wasn't far from the truth.

  2. Thanks Diane! The interview is online now. You can click on the links in the post or go here:

    to listen to it :o)

  3. Stacie -it's like I'm talking to you during our meeting last week, listening to you on the podcast! For all your readers or new readers - this is exactly how Stacie is in person! Very personable and down-to-earth!

  4. Congratulations on being recognized as one of the premier wedding bloggers in the country! Your late-night musings are finding an appreciative audience.

  5. Wow, that was great!! Super cool interview Stacie. Only 4 hours of sleep a night, OMG! Now I know who to call at 3am when I'm madly blogging away and need a break :-)

  6. What a great interview Stacie! You were so eloquent and articulate. Way to go!!

  7. I had the pleasure of meeting Stacie two weeks ago in San Francisco, what a wonderful person! I was really impressed with you. You truly are an innovative and powerful entreprenuer. Stacie, you are one heck of a blogger, I can't believe all the content on here!

