Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Bee's Knees

--- The Poll is now closed. Final results are viewable in the comments section. ---

LOL It's a new feature coming to The Flirty Guide home page. What do you think? Cute or annoying? Or both?

It would be FANTASTIC if you left a comment to let me know which of the three you like the best or you can use the poll at the top of the right sidebar to make a quick selection.


Option 1: No motion

Option 2: Slow motion

Option 3: Fast motion

Edited to add: The file is too large to upload to Blogger but here is the start and stop version two of you have suggested. Let me know what you think:

To view Option 4: Click Here


  1. Stacie, I think the buzzy bee's are so friggin' cute! I like the fast motion, just like the real thing! LOL

  2. i vote for no motion.
    i almost went into an epileptic shock looking at the fast motion bees.

  3. hmm tough call, i either like the fast ones or the no motion. :P

    can you make one where there's fast motion then nothing, then fast motion? jk

  4. thanks mxholly!

    Andrew that's kind of how I felt too which is why I figured I'd try a poll :D

    Hmmmm did you mean like this Victoria?

  5. I like the fast motion, but a visitor might need the occasional break. Is it possible to have it go fast for a a couple of seconds, then have no motion for maybe 3 seconds? Then, it buzzes again, then it rests.

  6. Hi Holly,

    I added this link in a previous comment. Great minds must think alike :o)

  7. Hi Stacie,

    I really enjoy reading your blog! I also like the best! No motion is too boring and I too agree that the fast motion one will give me an epileptic shock!

    Can't wait to see your new feature!


  8. I'm liking #1 or #4

  9. Stacie, I actually love #3. It's so cute and reminds me of the REAL bees! :)

  10. i'm not such a big fan of moving stuff on the internet - they're all very cute, but i much prefer the still version.

    have fun!

  11. Well after a 3 day poll the total votes were:

    No motion: 8

    Slow motion: 6

    Fast motion: 10

    Combo: 4

    So for now, I've placed the fast motion buzzy bees to the site home page and the still motion on the subsequent "read more" page. I hope those who voted for the other three choices aren't too disappointed.

    Thank you ALL for taking the time to vote. I really do appreciate it!
