Sunday, November 2, 2008

Only 111 more blogs to review!

Wow. I'm sooooooooo behind on reviewing submissions for Best Wedding While it's really wonderful that the wedding blog directory is growing in leaps and bounds... I do have one little problem...

Here's the thing. I hate to gripe but I really need for those of you submitting to be honest with me. If you don't post at least 6 times a month? Please wait to apply to the directory until you do. And if your blog isn't at least 2 months old? Please wait to apply to the directory until it is.

It may not seem like a huge deal to you but I'd really appreciate if you could remember I'm maintaining this site as a courtesy to the wedding industry, on top of all of the other things that I do. And it's kinda, really, totally annoying when I go to review a blog and the person clicked the "Yes I post a minimum of 6 times per month" on their submission form but in actuality they only post 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 times per month.

I can count folks. While it won't get you black listed for life or make me hate you forever? It is really annoying for me to have to sift through the applications to count posts only to find I've wasted my time, time that I could have spent working on The Flirty Guide, or petting my dog Kitai, sleeping at night like a normal human being, eating a cupcake, or *gasp* even cleaning my house.

There are just too many of you applying who click "yes" when you really shouldn't. This morning I actually  broke out the red ink to post a warning on the submissions page.

So if you know you have not been posting 6 times a month please spare me and wait until you do before you fill in the submission form and click that "submit" button.

I'd really appreciate it.

And just to end this post on a happier note... Thanks so much to all of you who have submitted your foreign  language blogs to Best Bridal Blogs to be included in the real-life-brides directory. Unfortunately I only know how to read English so I'll have to find some help in reviewing your blogs... It's really exciting to see submissions in Spanish and Italian! I'll do my best to get them reviewed ASAP!

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