Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My DIY Herb Garden

Inspired by Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution I've decided to grow some edibles this year in my garden. I'm starting with lots of herbs because nothing can beat stepping outside to pick some fresh, organic herbs when I just need a little bit to spice up a dish. Here's a peek at what I've planted so far.

Do you have the Thyme?

I do! The creeping thyme I planted last year is loving its location in my meditation garden.

Our new Greek Oregano is also acclimating well. A close up of a crazy long shoot that's taken off. Hubby loves making a Greek Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, onion and feta cheese. He's always used dried oregano so I had to really sell him on being willing to try fresh the next time he makes it. Of course I can also add it to pastas, sandwiches and other dishes so it will be used frequently.

The Rosemary came with the house and, as Rosemary is prone to do, is flourishing almost too well requiring constant pruning to keep it in check.

My new Moroccan Mint plant from Cole Canyon Farm. I want to try making the Vietnamese fresh spring rolls this summer and a little mint will go along way to brighten the flavor of the rolls.

Because I don't believe in using pesticides it requires some ingenuity when it comes to protecting delicate plants from garden snails and slugs. Our new Basil Spicy Bush, also from Cole Canyon Farm, is safely aloft in a hanging basket. I'll be really shocked if a snail or slug finds its way up the tree, across the branch and down the chain to enjoy a Basil salad. I'll be adding Sweet Basil as well as soon as I find another hanging basket.

Newly planted chives. Despite being planted on a 96ยบ day the chives are looking pretty good. As the weather has cooled they've perked up. I did notice that one broken leaf on the ground in the lower right hand corner. Not sure if that's from when I planted them or if some bug bit the leaf off. Will have to police this plant more carefully and move it up if the bugs are going to chow down on it.

A happy surprise. Our neighbor's Japanese Maple drops all kinds of seeds on our side of the fence and we've ended up with a small harvest of baby Japanese Maple Trees.

I'm going to trade some of them for an additional mint plant from my friend Andy Mark because just last night I was enjoying a glass of freshly squeezed Meyer Lemonade with mint in his kitchen and it was awesome! We have a Meyer lemon tree so now all I need is some of the mint and said he has plenty to share and I can come dig some up.

And a kind of funny picture of my dog Kitai who for some reason looked really sad. I posted it on Facebook and my friend Oren Arieli said:
"Kitai want's an air conditioner and some frozen bacon strips."
I think he's right :)

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