Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Write a Novel in 30 Days

Do you have a story to tell? Have you always wanted to write a novel? Here's a fun way to challenge yourself to write a novel in 30 days. November is National Novel Writing Month and there's a website where you can sign up to make the commitment to write and receive assistance like how to track your progress, get pep talks and support and meet fellow writers both online and in person.

Personally I've never had the urge to write a novel but if there is a "Write an Inspirational Book in 30 Days" challenge I would do that in a heartbeat. Or even a 30 day biography challenge because people are always telling me I should write a book about my life because while not totally outrageous, mine hasn't been a typical life so far. There were my near death experiences with the spider who saved my life  and the time I fell off a cliff but I have more weird stories I can share someday like when I broke my feet. Turns out I had very special broken feet. The radiologist said so. LOL

But I digress.

If you want to write a novel this November just CLICK HERE and you'll be on your way!

Thanks to Matt Cutts for posting this link over on Google+. I'd never heard of National Novel Writing Month before. It sounds like a really fun idea for budding authors.

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