Sunday, November 16, 2014

Winter is here

This morning I awoke to the first real snow of the season. I saw animal tracks around the house that I'm guessing belong to a raccoon as they made a beeline for the garbage can (that it can't get into) then continued on. Everything was covered in a new fallen blanket of white. I have to admit I felt a rush of delight that everyone is telling me will not last. They may be right but for today it was wonderful.

And from the living room window I spotted this chubby little squirrel in a tree. I grabbed my camera with the 140mm telephoto lens and got this shot before he scurried further up and away. I'll have to keep my 300mm lens handy in case I see him again.

Just yesterday before the snow began I saw a cardinal. I've always wanted to take a picture of a red cardinal in a tree covered with snow. Looks like I'll have my chance in the coming months.

Hoping to have many more photos of the wildlife that live all around me. At night I've heard the coyotes, once they were frighteningly close and it sounded like they caught something right outside my window :( But the cardinals and blue jays would be nice to photograph as well as the deer. I was told to wake up early, right at daybreak, and I might see them wandering through the yards and driveways.

I almost ran over a cottontail rabbit a few weeks ago. It darted out in front of my car at the last possible moment when I was driving home from ArtPrize one evening. I've found rabbits are hard to photograph in the wild unless you find one tucked away. Then they would rather sit motionless than make a break for it.

One last thing. I am not a lover of exercise. I do however love functional fitness. So I enjoyed shoveling the front porch and back deck and made a path around the yard and side of the house. Best workout I've had in ages. Again, we'll see if my enjoyment lasts.

The forecast is for more snow tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep taking pictures. I can't help myself :)

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