Sunday, June 3, 2018

First denial of coverage and good news too

It's been just over a week since I published the blog post about my medical issues. Here is what I can update at this time:

As expected my health insurance company denied my request to seek a second opinion out of state at Mayo Clinic in MN. While my primary care physician could appeal the denial I have instead opted to simply move on and have now had a second referral request sent to a medical center here in Michigan. This avoids the entire out of state authorization issue. I will admit it's frustrating, I mean why does the insurance company care if you are treated in or out of state if you're the one covering all of your own transportation costs to go there? Maybe you know? It's beyond me.

My new macrobiotic journey is going well. I've begun experimenting with the food I'm making to make it not only healthy, but delicious too!

I’m going to make another blog post video about the macrobiotic food and lifestyle changes I’ve made so far. If anyone has any specific questions (FAQ’s so far: Is Fred eating your food too? What is/are macrobiotics? Is it helping?) please let me know and I’ll answer them in the written post or in the video.

We have a tiny health store in Greenville and two large ones almost an hour away in Grand Rapids. I’m grateful we have any at all in proximity. The rest I order online. This is my second mail order shipment of ingredients and food. Thank goodness for UPS! This would have been so much more convenient in CA where Whole Foods and health stores abound.

On the bright side... In the video I mentioned that I was given the opportunity to display 12 of my miniature origami mobiles all in one place at one time. I installed them over two days last week and they're ready for the big Grand Rapids Asian-Pacific Festival launch night festivities on Monday June 4th from 5:00-7:00 pm at the Devos Place Convention Center on the Skywalk Level. I'll be there doing a folding demonstration for the duration of the event as well as on Saturday the 9th in conjunction with the Asian Festival taking place down the street at Rosa Parks Circle. Click Here for more details on the website.

When I stood back and looked at them I'll admit I felt a bit overwhelmed. While they each represent different customs, traditions, and icons of Japan, they also represent my life as an artist since moving to Michigan <3

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