Monday, July 30, 2018

Feeling empowered

So today I got some news that could have felt bad but instead meant nothing (to me). My appointment at U of M Neurosurgery (for a second opinion) next week has been canceled and rescheduled with their Neuro-oncology department for three weeks from now. The reason given: "It looks like the Neurosurgeon looked at your MRI and determined that the gliomas are inoperable." Translation: No need for a surgeon and an assumption I most likely have brain cancer.

I had already been told they were inoperable by the neurologist and neuro-oncologist in Grand Rapids. And had been told they may be gliomas (aka a type of tumor which are really bad news) by the radiologist and neurologist after my first MRI in April. I was also told they could be scar tissue by the neuro-oncologist.

Either way my faith in the macrobiotics and in myself to reverse whatever is going on is all I need to deal with them. Which is fortunate because they may be all I have. While chemo/radiation might be an option everything I've read is that they aren't highly effective in treating thalamic (deep brain) lesions (tumors). So it's up to me.

And thankfully I've been listening to the HEAL documentary online summit all week and know I am already on the right track, and have been for several years, to take control of my own health <3 healdocumentary="" https:="" ref="br_rs<br""">
I'm feeling great (emotionally and physically) and very hopeful that things are turning around. I'll soon be blogging about a book I purchased and have begun using written by my friend Holly See. Literally the day I began incorporating Chinese reflexology into my daily life I saw an immediate improvement in a very unexpected way.

Also, even though I've lost 18 lbs recent blood tests by my Primary Care Physcian showed that I am not suffering from any nutritional deficiencies. My new diet and lifestyle are working wonders. My chronic facial pain has become a distant memory, gone 5 days after I started living my new macrobiotic life. This new selfie is to reassure anyone who has been worried about me that I am more than fine. Am feeling confident, healthy, and happy once again after shaking off the shock of the MRI results back in April.

And for the curious Denny Waxman is the professional Macrobiotic Counselor I am working with.

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