Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trailer Gear: DIY duvet and porta potty cover

The moment I was done inserting the down comforter and laid out the new duvet I'd just sewn my quality control committee came over to test it out. LOL

It was challenging because the fabric with the polka dots is a "minke" fabric meaning it's super soft and a little stretchy so it's hard to sew. The back is a pink sheet that I also used to make the mattress cover with. I even added a zipper. Who the heck do I think I am? All fancy sewing with a zipper? It was challenging but I got it in installed. It works great which will make it easier for washing which was my goal.

 And this little number is the cover for my Thetford porta potty. As well as being a great storage table surface, it's one of the most convenient and eco-friendly solutions for campers/travelers. I made the cover 3" short to clear the mattress that will right beside it.

I also sewed a cover for my wedge pillow, blackout curtains for the windows, and I'm just about to finish a screen door that will velcro into place to keep the bugs out when we want fresh air but not too much nature. I also finished my shower. I need to photograph it and share it with you because most people look at me very skeptically when I tell them I figured out how to put a shower in The Glampette. LOL

To follow my entire trailer build thread from beginning to end just click on the "Trailer - Build" category on the side bar or CLICK HERE.

To view all of my trailer gear and decorating posts CLICK HERE.

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