Saturday, February 22, 2014

A beautiful California winter

Since this may be the last winter I spend in Northern California I'm taking the time to appreciate every moment of it. For instance right now it's 8:56 AM and even though there's a slight chill in the air I've had the The Glampette's door wide open for over two hours because the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

As so much of the country deals with snow, freezing rain, and ice storms this is what the Bay Area has had to contend with: The Camellias are blooming. My friend Janet picked a few from her garden and gave them to me to take home. This was her favorite. You can see why. It was perfect.

And even though we're suffering from a severe drought there has been rain. The blossoms of a flowering plum tree were so bejeweled in droplets of precious water the morning after an overnight storm I couldn't resist taking pictures of them against the bright blue sky with my macro lens.

I've always said there's beauty all around, you just have to slow down enough to take the time to notice it. Or wake up early enough to see a sunrise like this one.

These are just a few beautiful moments that have happened this winter. If you live here did you see them too? If you don't live here hold tight because I'm certain they're on their way wherever you are.

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