Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'll be a Blog Guest Speaker at BAWN

The other day my phone rang. It was Gwen Helbush one of the co-founders of the Bay Area Wedding Network asking if I would be a guest speaker at their upcoming October meeting. My area of expertise? Blogging.

I jumped at the chance. Many of you know I am a huge advocate of blogging. Yes, it takes time, practice and dedication but it's so worth it. I'm thinking of two possibilities for my presentation: Why to Blog or How to Blog. If you have a preference let me know. At this point I'm open to suggestions.

If you don't want to wait until October to find out the how and why feel free to check out the tutorials on my Best Wedding Blogs directory website.

So if you want to learn more about blogging from the San Francisco Bay Area's goodwill blogging ambassador, that would be me, and other web topics presented by other guest speakers, save the date October 29th from 6:00 to 10:00 pm.

The Bawn events are one of my favorite wedding industry networking events. You can read about a couple of them in my past posts like:

Weddings at the Montalvo Arts Center and A Masque Ball.

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