Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Hang 1000 Origami Wedding Cranes


Recently I received an email from Cyndy asking how I hang the origami cranes I make. The easiest way to show people is through pictures so here is a new DIY tutorial. There are now four origami DIY tutorials on The Flirty Guide. They are:
  1. How to fold a crane
  2. How to hang strands of cranes ← NEW
  3. How to hang strands from a parasol
  4. How to hang strands from a free standing base

All it takes is a needle, cord, a measuring device and some hot glue


It's pretty easy, I think you'll be surprised how easy.


It's all explained in an 18 image photo tutorial.


CLICK Here to learn how to hang strands of origami cranes

If you do create a set of 1000 cranes be sure to send me a photo and I'll feature it on The Flirty Guide :)

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