Thursday, September 1, 2011

Are You Your Company's Salesperson and PR Spokesperson?

Sales, marketing and customer service all rely on both verbal and non-verbal communication and presentation skills.

In my day to day life I can't help but notice that many people don't seem to realize that their ability to present themselves authentically and confidently is crucial to effectively marketing themselves, their products and/or services. Often it's the way they "come off" not their product or service that makes or breaks my decision to ultimately work with or buy from them.

IMO improving your presentation skills matters if you ever feel like any of these descriptions:
  1. Do you struggle to explain who you are and what you do when meeting someone new out in the real world? Particularly at industry networking events.
  2. Do you lack the confidence to look a client in the eye or answer them directly when asked "How much will this cost?" and say what you charge with confidence? 
  3. Do you decline opportunities to speak to large groups because you dread public speaking even though the exposure would be good for your company?
  4. Do you freeze up, stammer and break out in a cold sweat when giving a public speaking presentation?
  5. Have you ever declined an opportunity to be interviewed on tv or radio because you're too uncomfortable at the thought of being on tv or radio?
  6. Are you never asked to give interviews or public speaking presentations? Could it be because you don't present yourself effectively?
  7. As a small business owner have you put off creating video blog posts because you don't like the way you look or sound on video?

Mark and Rebecca Ferrell

October 12th and 13th my public speaking coaches Mark and Rebecca Ferrell will return to San Jose for their first MC workshop since May 2010. That's right folks, they only come through town once a year!

And great news, I'm sponsoring a $200 per person discount if we sell out this Bronze Level Workshop. Why am I doing this? Because for most of us, if we aren't able to present ourselves with confidence it's too easy to be overlooked and easily forgotten. Even worse, a poor presentation can actually hurt, not help, your brand.

If you have any questions about the workshop and how I think it can help you please don't hesitate to drop me an email or give me a call. I've said it before and I'll say it again taking this workshop last year was one of the best investments I've ever made in myself.

And if you're a DJ it's even more important to continue improving your presentation skills especially if you're not working as often as you'd like to be or charging what you want or need to be earning. Make yourself worth it and you'll become both memorable and wanted.

Here are the details:

The Marbecca Method Bronze Level MC Workshop San Jose, CA

Date: November 16-17, 2011
Time: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM Wednesday - Thursday
Location: South Bay Location - to be announced
Space: Limited to 8 attendees per workshop

Date: October 12-13, 2011
Time: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM Wednesday and Thursday
Location: South Bay Location - to be announced
Space: Limited to 8 attendees per workshop

Price: Original Price $950 per person - As soon as we sell it out the San Jose Workshop's new price will be $750 per person. If you are interested please contact me and let me know or contact Rebecca Ferrell  so we can keep an accurate headcount. When we reach eight she will set up a special registration link with the discounted price.

If we top off at 7 attendees in San Jose and need an eighth I'm planning on registering to take the Bronze Level again as a refresher course. But if eight people want to attend I'd be thrilled to offer the $200 discount to each and every one of you!

* The discount is applied to the non-member's price lowering the original $950 price to $750 and cannot be combined with the Marbecca member's discount.

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