Looking for a hot way to entertain your guests at your next party?
Wow, was all we could say at my friend Loretta's birthday celebration last night. A while back she and her sister had taken a fire eating class. They asked me if I wanted to join them. LOL. Uh, no thanks! I would have but my sword swallowing class was on the same night. Anyways, for her birthday celebration Loretta decided to go with a Tiki Theme and incorporate her new talent into quite a show for her guests! It was really amazing seeing my friend and her sis, eating fire! Imagine a couple of your best friends shoving burning sticks into their mouths. It was kind of freaky.
Before each attempt they would run the flames up and down their arms and forearms. They said it was a way to "befriend" the fire. It also burned all of the hair off of their arms which prompted me to suggest befriending the fire under their arm pits and up and down their legs. Heh heh. Why not kill two birds with one stone right?
In any case here are the photos of the spectacular fire eating show we were treated to. It was a very "flirty" idea to break out of the humdrum cake and ice cream kind of birthday party.
Here is where they took the class The Crucible in Oakland, California.
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