Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oooooh I Want One! The Macbook Air

It's the Macworld Keynote in San Francisco this morning! As usual I'm online reading the Live Blog on Engadget, clicking every minute so I can watch the keynote in almost real time. So far the most exciting thing Steve Jobs has announced is the new Macbook Air notebook. The thinnest notebook in the world! It's so thin it fits inside of a manila envelope.

Now do I need this computer? Absolutely! Carrying my Macbook Pro around is exhausting. It's not that heavy, until you've been carrying it around all day on business meetings. Funny how it starts off feeling ok, but an hour later it's gained about 5 lbs and my shoulder gets so sore I have to carry it in my hand! *Gasp*

The new Macbook Air would probably alleviate that problem for me. I'm putting it on my wish list. Hmmmm I have a birthday coming up.... Sure would make a super birthday gift. I know my hubby reads my blog because he's subscribed to my RSS feed so maybe he'll read to the bottom of this post and grab a clue. Hey Honey! *waving* LOL.

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victoria said...

OMG MacAIR *DROOOOOoooooL* :D hmmm.. wonder how long it'll take to save up on my non-profit salary for one of those.

Tinygami said...

LOL I want one sooooooooo baaaaaaaaad! I'm *DROOOOOoooooLing* too :D

Anonymous said...

OMG! I want one too! Too bad I'm not getting married or I'd put it on my registry, LOL!

Tinygami said...

I just saw the tv commercial for the Air tonight. Have you seen it? It begins with the manila envelope, a hand opens it and out pops the Air laptop. It's sooooooo thin! It's going to be a tough sell trying to get one gifted to me for my birthday. My hubby asked why I need it when I have a MacBook Pro. I explained how HEAVY the MBP gets after a day of draaaaaaaging it around on business appointments. He scoffed and said everyone else in the world manages. Plus he already knows that I am freakishly strong for my size so that ploy didn't work so well. LOL