Monday, August 12, 2013

A stunning sunset in Spokane, Washington

On a recent trip to Washington state to attend my 30 year high school reunion I was hoping to capture a spectacular sunset from High Drive on the city's South Hill. The drive is a cliff that overlooks a valley facing west. On the final day of my trip this happened as my parents and I were driving home from dinner...

It was stunning to say the least.

How to capture sunsets in photos? Hurry, shoot, wait, then shoot some more.

The hurry is because the sun moves very quickly as it sets.

You have just minutes to capture these moments as it begins to dip beneath the horizon line.

In my experience after the sun sets the sky is still colorful but rather flat. But if you wait a bit and zoom in this happens... The afterglow...

The colors intensify and the clouds will be edged in light that glows like a silver lining painted in colors that just kind of make your soul sigh. You realize there are still moments of beauty that happen all around us. We just need to slow down and pay attention so that we'll notice them when they do :)

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