Wednesday, July 4, 2012

There are two, newly hatched, baby hummingbird chicks in our nest!

OK. They're not much to look at but those are two baby hummingbirds. They have dark grey skin and silky white feathers growing in two rows off the top of their backs and their beaks area bright orangish yellow color. I'll try to get a picture of them every other day from now on. Their mom is out of the nest more so I can put the ladder nearby and peek in without disturbing her.

Before long their little heads will be peeking over the edge of the nest. I'm hoping to get some photos of feeding time too!

baby hummingbird chicks
The nest is about the size of a ping pong ball.

I did find an older, feathered baby hummingbird on the ground once when I was out walking the dog. It fell out of a nest in a very tall tree so there was no way to put it back. Instead I looked up our local wildlife rehab center to take it there but they were closed. After hours they ask you to take any wildlife to the Humane Society of Silicon Valley. So I did. It was so tiny and cute. I wish I'd taken a photo but that was in the days before I started blogging so I missed out.

I'm planning on posting updates of these babies when warranted. Not sure how fast they grow so I'll have to do some research.

I think I'll name them Itty and Bitty :)

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