Front Row: Kitai's butt, Marcel
Back Row: Nick, Me, Russell from Dogster HQ, my Hubby
One of the main reasons we attended the Fur Ball was because our pal Woz was the reigning "King" of the Fur Ball this year.
Woz is a huge supporter of the HSSV. He even helped make and publicizes this video "www.CatsWithoutAHome.com" about how feral cats are faring here in the Silicon Valley and what we can do to help the cats and the organizations who look after them.
Kathy Griffin was the "Queen" of the Furball. She even wore a tiara. Here she is on the Big Screen.
Kitai had a water color portrait done. I think it really captured his scruffiness.
He also had a caricature done by artist Jodi Carr. So cute huh?
Morgan is about to enjoy the chicken piccata.
Doggie Moms with Morgan and Kitai
LOL The guys all wore their fancy clothes, the girls all changed into comfortable clothes. It was a really fun night but boy were Kitai and I tired at the end of it all.
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2 Click Here to Comment:
i love how the little buggers are not looking at the camera again. :D at least they're looking in the same direction!
Someday we'll get a good one of both of them. It may take a few years, but someday...
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